The VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and ambiguous) acronyms has never been more true than today. Indeed, we are all facing very unusual circumstances with an unclear future about when we will be back to normal and what it will mean. You can record daily the advices of experts in any fields and compare their opinions, not only they are likely to be different between themselves but also to change rapidly over time. Making prediction beyond two weeks become pointless.
If some of us feels we are left with no option at all but wait for better days, we all react in our own ways. Keep attempting to forecast the future, keep the pace like nothing is happening, struggle against the flow, take a book and wait for the storm to pass. We all have our preferences, and there is something to learn in all those reactions about others and about us. In Linksight, self-actualisation is almost a religion. We added some profiling skills to our portfolio and seized this so astonishing period to know more about ourselves and others.
Even if you feel profiling has its limits, here are three conclusions we experienced and you may want to consider
- If you take it seriously, relying on a rigorous and objective self-exploratory process, you will go through a fascinating journey full of very interesting surprises
- Surprise is a very powerfull human motivator and it is a strong lever to repare, create, boost or renew relationships with staff and clients
- Better relationships in a team are a strong factor to trigger well being, creativity and performance
If you want to know more about our journey, we will be glad to discuss with you and who knows, maybe even open new opportunities for you.